News update - Conference

VCE Chinese Language, Culture and Society Study Design PD

VCE Chinese Language, Culture and Society Study Design PD

The Confucius Institute at the University of Melbourne and the Chinese Language Teachers’ Association of Victoria warmly welcome you to attend a one day professional development program for the new VCE Chinese study design of the course-Chinese language, Culture and Society.



2016年7月9日至10日,第二十二届澳大利亚中文教师联会年会暨首届亚太汉语教学大会在布里斯班隆重召开,来自澳大利亚、中国、中国香港、中国台湾、美国、新西兰、日本、新加坡、马来西亚、泰国等近350位专家,学者和教师参加了大会!昆士兰州教育部长Kate Jones议员、昆士兰科技大学校长Peter Coaldrake AO 教授、中国国家汉办副主任/孔子学院总部副总干事王永利、中国驻布里斯班代总领事陈立,中国驻澳大利亚大使馆公使衔教育参赞徐孝等嘉宾出席大会,并分别向大会致词。澳大利亚中文教师联会主席李复新博士代表联会理事会欢迎并感谢大家参加本届大会。

A forum on How to help Chinese students cope with Australian education system

A forum on How to help Chinese students cope with Australian education system

The Confucius Institute at the University of Melbourne and the Chinese Language Teacher's Association of Victoria (CLTAV) are proud to present a forum which will focus specifically on how parents of non-Chinese background learners of Mandarin can promote a healthy learning environment for their children.

There is live streaming for parents unable to be present at the forum. Details below.

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